Thursday 21 May 2009

Donnie Darko

I hope everyone enjoyed watching Donnie Darko in Media Studies this week?
I think it is a fantastic film and hope it has given you a taste for a different type of cinema.  I would love to hear your opinions and thoughts on the film so please feel free to comment.


  1. I enjoyed the film a lot and i hope we watch more films like that

  2. i Enjoyed the film because it had alot of tension and you didnt always expect what was going to happen. I was upset when doniie darko died tho :(

  3. The Coment Abuv Was From kim May.

  4. matthew doherty24 May 2009 at 21:08

    i enjoyed the film and liked the camera work especially liked the first tracking shot

  5. i really enjoyed this fim and i hope we watch more lke it

  6. I liked the film a lot. I thought that the way that the plot was layed out (IE a random, strange mess) was very clever, as all of the events didnt really matter or stand out until you got to the end, which is when i actually got the idea of the film (all the bad stuff wouldnt have happened if donnie had been killed by the plane engine in the first place). I also liked the characters and their personalities, but thought it was a bit depressing at the end when Donnie died, not because he died, but because of the music and the way that the scene was shot.

  7. Was it really a "random, strange mess"?

  8. i think this film was really werid but hard to understand it so you have to watch it about two or three or more times to understand it. my favorite scene is where you see the little girl dance group dancing because it just looked really cool. i liked the sence where you see the close up on donnie darko's eye. there is another good sence which was the very begining of the film when you see the camara following donnie darko on his bike. i really like this film because i like films with a bit or loads of violent films like this and i like films where you have to watch it over and over again. i like how they made donnie look and sound like a smart and a good boy but after he meets that girl who ends up being his girlfriend and dies at the end, i liked the scene when he tells the teacher to put the work up he ass this is by john marsh

  9. i was a bit scared of the 6ft rabbit by john marsh

  10. i liked it because it was different from most films i watch, althouht the bunny was freaky!! i liked the way the storyline was different and that it left me thinking!!

    leigh-ann kraft

  11. I thought the film was alright, wouldn't say it was anything overly special though. rather hard to follow and understand.

  12. i really enjoyed watching donny darko, the film itself is very unique and the storyline keeps you engaged throughout the film until the very end.


  13. Donnie Darko was a really good film, a lot better than i expected it would be. at first i was quite confused by the story line, but it started making sense ... eventually. i liked the scene where the girls dance group is performing at their talent show and how it switches to Donnie destroying Jim's house, i think this is very effective as it uses slow motion well and shows where Donnie actually is instead of where he should be. The rabbitman Frank creeped me out, and the scene when Donnie suddenly sees Frank in front of him in therapy made me jump. i hope we watch more films as good as this one.

    Katie Dawson

  14. Donnie Darko is a very good film but as ive seen it before i knew what was going to happen, but i do like the film. It is wierd how it gets you thinking about what would happen if you were somewhere different.

  15. I liked the film alot but i think it could be the most confusing movie i've ever watched.

  16. I loved the film!!
    I thought it built up alot of tension and you never could tell what was going to happen next which brings out the best in films as you see in some films you can gess whats going to happen but this film no way!
    I understood what was happening and thought that it was a well thought out storyline which you dont really see in other films.
    I really liked watching it and hope that we watch other films like that :)

  17. Donnie Darko isnt a type film that I would normally watch but i really enjoyed it! I found it quite confusing, but that is what I liked about it. It wasnt a film that you could just predict about what was going to happen next. It had you in suspence the whole way through and i thought the storyline was really interesting. Watching this film has made me a lot more open minded about watching indie films and I plan to watch a lot more of them :)

  18. I absolutley adored this film. I think you said something to me at the start about me really liking this film, but i was worried it was going to be kind of scary. It was amazing! I can't even describe how well the way it's structured is, everything comes together at the end and the elements of suspense and surprise are well used. I would never normally watch a film like Donnie Darko, but now i'm a lot more open to different films. It doesn't really have many special effects, but somehow that makes it more realistic. It really gets you thinking about whether things like that do/can happen, i would love to watch more things like this! =]

  19. Donnie Darko was a very unusual film, it is nothing like the other films i have watched. But i really enjoyed it but it was probably one of the most confusing films i have ever watched. It took me some time to realise that Donnie was looking into the future.

  20. There were alot of jumpy bits too.

  21. Donnie Darko was a realy strage film i enjoyed watching it even though i found it realy confuzing i have never watched a film like this befor as i didnt think i would like it but i did although the story line was realy hard to follow.
