Thursday 4 June 2009

A Room For Romeo Brass

I hope everyone enjoyed A Room For Romeo Brass as much as I always do.  I think it is an excellent example of British Realist Cinema.  
What did you think of the film?  
What is the appeal of watching realist cinema?
Is it a different experience watching British cinema to mainstream Hollywood films?


  1. i thought watching this film was very approprite and showed true british cinema and realism along side it being a very entertaining film.

  2. I really enjoyed this film, it was funny although it was at the same time very weird. It is completely different watching a British film compared to Hollywood mainstream films as the special effects are much simpler. I hope we watch more films such as this one.

  3. I enjoyed this film as it had lots of comedy scenes, but i didnt realy understand if there was a story line to it. It was very different watching a hollywood mainstream film with all the special effects and different objects used to create the effects then watching a british film.

  4. Although I thought that the film was good, I didnt enjoy it as much as I enjoyed Independence Day and Donnie Darko. I did find the comedy in this really funny and my favourite part was the opening scence because it showed so much of the two boys characters personalities. I thought the film was really weird but in a good way.

  5. I really enjoyed watching this film, i hadnt watched british cinema before, so this was the first,but it gave me a very good idear to what british cinema islike, i found it very differnt to american cinema, but differnt in a good way ,it was more realistic and i think brish cinema is much easier to relate to than american cinema. I also liked the way this film seamed as it it wasnt wel scripted it made the charactors seam more like real people.

  6. I really liked this film, and agree with Laura about the opening sequence, as that was pretty much the way they were through the film.. I liked the humour in it as well, but i dont think it was meant to be a comedy film? I could be completely wrong!
    I liked it so much that i bought it from HMV today! haha..
    But anyway, i think it is a really good example of British cinema, and you can see that there is a big gap from British cinema to Mainstream Hollywood cinema, but i cant really explain why, the films just seem and look completely different.

  7. I thi8nk the film was brilliant it was funny and made you have to keep geussing what the characters were going to do. In comparison to hollywood blockbuster films such as independance day the film is toned down on all the big money aspects, with nest to no special effects and no really big actors other than shane meadows who only played small roles.The film also showed the realism acompanied by the strong aspects of british cinema. Overall it was a funny and entertaing films with a few wierd scenes.

  8. next not nest oops

  9. i really like the film. my favourite charatcer is romeo because he sticks up for his mate at the Beginning when those two big boys told his mate to pick up the ball and he kept walking on an d then he got into an agreement with them and then romeo to help and he takes the fight for his mate. and then romer gets beating up and romeo mate calls over a man. that man helps romeo and takes them home. i like the way they got the wierd man to be nice at the beginning and then as the film goes on he gets nasty and wierd. like he as romeo's sister out and she says yes and then she dumps him. but when he first went into her shop where she works in the clothes she doesnt like in sports gear. and when romeo and his mate and the wierd man goes to the beach and romeo goes off to get ice cxream and the wierd man starts to have a quite nasty chat when hre pulled the knife out on him. and romeo keeps going to the wierd man's home. and romeo's sister goes back out with the wierd man againm, and later that day when they went out for the second time they go back to the wierd man's home and the wierd man goes up stairs to talk to himself and to strip off and then he comes back down the stairs with a curtain as a dressinggawn and a pair of boxers and she laughs at him and he pulls back the curtain and tell her to touch it. and the next day romeo's mum said to him to stop going up to the wierd mans home and he still goes up there and he beats romeo up and romeo gets out of his home and later that day he finds romeo and hed goes out side the place of romeo's sister work and she her talking to another man and the other man walks down and turns at the end of the road and the wierd man gets out the car and beats up the man who just got out of the shop with romeo's sister and then romeo trys to help the man and fails and romeo runs home to his best mates home and he starts crying and his mate mum and dad lets him in and the wierd man comes over and romeo's mate dad told the wierd man that he aint getting into the house and the wierd man punch him around the face and the wierd man goes to the front off the house on the grass. the dad goes round to the front and said you should go because you aint getting into the house and the wierd man said do you waqnt me to put a hammer though your skull and he went to get the hammer and told the dad to get on his knees and as he does romeo's dad comes to be the hero and punch the wierd man in the face and throwed him over the frence and told him to go and he did. i like romeo's mate dad because he is funny like at the start when he nicked the little boys football and said to the boy that he aint getting the football back and the little boy said i will get my dad on you and the dad said is your dad big. reason why i like the film because i like films with fighting and blood and i like the story line to this film and its not ever day you get a british film get well know do john marsh.
